Sneaky ways that anxiety affects my relationships

Anyone who has anxiety or knows someone who has it knows that it's not an easy thing, especially if there are panic attacks involved. There is so much that you can do to manage it, which is great, and it feels pretty good to find a management strategy that keeps you at a pretty even … Continue reading Sneaky ways that anxiety affects my relationships

On going back to therapy

You know how you can have this picture of something in your head and when you get there it is that but also it's not and somehow you feel inordinately disappointed? That's me right now. I was really looking forward to this summer being super chill, and instead I'm wrestling with a lot of things … Continue reading On going back to therapy

What to do with me when I’m anxious: a guide for partners and loved ones

My sister sent me this a few weeks back, which I'm sure many of you have seen by now. I love that this woman made a list of ways that her partner can help her deal with her panic attacks. I made one of these for myself a long time ago, but it got me … Continue reading What to do with me when I’m anxious: a guide for partners and loved ones

Everything all the time

The dude and I were on one of our walks the other day, just kind of talking through future stuff and next steps. In the course of our conversation, I realized that there's no single place where you can go to getĀ everything you might need for anxiety resources; I might be wrong, but I feel … Continue reading Everything all the time

What I’ve learned from Lenny

We're nearing the end of the school year, and I've got to be honest: I am SO ready. I've been ready since November. This year has been incredibly difficult, and while I'm proud of myself for managing anxiety throughout, I'm ready for a break. This shit is hard, guys, and I'm working really hard to … Continue reading What I’ve learned from Lenny

Lenny, or: my relationship with anxiety

As you guys know, I've been struggling with anxiety for decades now. In the course of my journey with anxiety, I think pretty much every verb under the sun could have been used to describe my relationship to it. At one time or another, I have interacted with anxiety in the following ways(this is by … Continue reading Lenny, or: my relationship with anxiety

Time is out of joint

Hello friends. It has been aĀ very long time. Thank you for waiting, for checking back, for reading this. As you may or may not know, teaching has a new element for me this year: I'm teaching AP Psychology. And it. is. so. hard. There are some really amazing things: I'm learning so much, and it's … Continue reading Time is out of joint

Why Yoga is the Best Anxiety Management (For Me)

Last year, the dude's friend K invited me to an outdoor yoga class that's right by my apartment. I had just gotten Down Dog and started trying to practice more regularly and for longer than 30 minutes. Because we travelled a lot that summer and I didn't have much endurance built up for an hour-long … Continue reading Why Yoga is the Best Anxiety Management (For Me)

Oh. It’s you again. Go away, anxiety.

You know what one of the most frustrating things about anxiety is? Every time I think I've got a handle on it, it's likeĀ awww, sweetie! That's so cute that you think I'll just stay quiet. Sometimes I wish anxiety was a person so I could punch it in its stupid face. I wrote about how … Continue reading Oh. It’s you again. Go away, anxiety.

Anxiety is an endurance race that ever ends and that no one sees you training for

You know those times when nothing huge has happened, but somehow things like not sleeping well, a transition, and/or something hanging over your head has your anxiety likeĀ  This was me for the last week and a half. The reason I kind of dropped off the face of the earth is that we went on … Continue reading Anxiety is an endurance race that ever ends and that no one sees you training for