Sneaky ways that anxiety affects my relationships

Anyone who has anxiety or knows someone who has it knows that it's not an easy thing, especially if there are panic attacks involved. There is so much that you can do to manage it, which is great, and it feels pretty good to find a management strategy that keeps you at a pretty even … Continue reading Sneaky ways that anxiety affects my relationships

The intersection of grief and anxiety

Hi friends. I’m sorry I haven’t been writing much lately. I was working on a few posts and trying to decide which one I wanted to put up next, and then all hell broke loose. There are a bunch of really not great things happening, but what really turned things upside down is the loss … Continue reading The intersection of grief and anxiety

Finding a vocabulary for anxiety

When anxiety first started to get really bad for me in 2014, I struggled with finding the words to describe what was happening to me. How was I supposed to explain the complete batshit craziness of what was happening? How was I supposed to explain that I was terrified for no reason? That I was … Continue reading Finding a vocabulary for anxiety

On saying yes

I mentioned before that saying yes can often be really hard for me. Even after working for years at a summer camp where that was part of my job requirement(seriously), I still struggle with it. Sometimes it can be incredibly difficult to give up even a little bit of control, and this can be especially … Continue reading On saying yes

Lenny, or: my relationship with anxiety

As you guys know, I've been struggling with anxiety for decades now. In the course of my journey with anxiety, I think pretty much every verb under the sun could have been used to describe my relationship to it. At one time or another, I have interacted with anxiety in the following ways(this is by … Continue reading Lenny, or: my relationship with anxiety

Weekly Roundup 2.5.1

While I'm sad that it's Sunday and the weekend is over, it means we're closer to mid-winter break, and that means we're closer to spring (and summer!). Here are some things that I loved this week: Idris Elba gets dating advice from kids This list of interesting Wikipedia pages "Moving On and Getting Over", on … Continue reading Weekly Roundup 2.5.1

Weekly Roundup 1.29.17

This week has been all sorts of horrible(though I will say I am HEAPS proud of my people, who have been out there protesting, donating, and resisting). Here are some things for when looking at Facebook or basically every other website is too depressing: Tumblr's understanding of loners This collection of uplifting pics This list … Continue reading Weekly Roundup 1.29.17

Weekly Roundup 1.22.17

Some things: Adorable joeys that make me miss Sydney. Tumblr's understanding of introversion. People leaving their protest signs from the Women's March on Washington outside the White House. This AMAZING list of life lessons from @twoscooters. And, if you have a lot of time on your hands, this list of Wikipedia pages that will keep … Continue reading Weekly Roundup 1.22.17

Weekly Roundup 1.8.17

How is it Sunday already? How? Why do I have to go back to work tomorrow? To help distract from the Sunday night blues, here's a list of my favoritest Instragram accounts. They cheer me up, speak to me, and make me laugh. And also there are like at least three with cute dogs, because … Continue reading Weekly Roundup 1.8.17